Monday, May 13, 2019

Which Smoke Detection Technology is Best?

There are two main types of smoke detection technology used in fire alarm systems today. Ionization smoke detectors and photoelectric smoke detectors are the two most commonly recognized type of smoke detection technology. Each works differently to provide early warning of smoke, although it is recommended to use both types of smoke detection for the best protection.

Here’s how each type of technology works and why it is important to incorporate both types of smoke detection with your fire alarm system.

Ionization Smoke Detection
Ionization smoke detectors typically provide a greater response to a fire already erupted into flames.  The ionization type of technology works by using a radioactive material in the middle of two electrically charged plates. This ionizes the air and creates a current to flow in between the two plates. If smoke enters the chamber it will disrupt the flow of ions and reduce the flow of current which activates the alarm.

Photoelectric Smoke Detection
Photoelectric smoke detectors are known to provide quick response to smoldering fires.  This type of smoke detection uses a sensing chamber with a light source aimed at the chamber. If smoke enters the chamber the reflecting light will trigger an alarm.

Each type of smoke detection provides advantages that could be the critical difference in saving lives. Many fatalities resulting from fires are caused by smoldering fires and flaming fires. It is impossible to predict which type of fire may erupt in your home or business. It is recommended to use both types of smoke detection equipment to provide the most protection.

High-Rise Security Systems Offers Smoke Detection Technology
High-Rise Security Systems offers comprehensive fire alarm and safety protection services including full system design, testing, inspection, repair, maintenance and monitoring 24/7/365.  We ensure your system is code compliant to all local state and federal fire protection codes and partner with the most reputable fire alarm manufacturers to distribute only UL listed, high-quality fire safety equipment.

High-Rise Security Systems is recognized as an authority on fire alarm system technology and a leading fire protection company. We provide fire alarm and life safety systems to commercial properties in and around Chicago and Northwestern Indiana. Contact us to learn more about fire alarm and smoke detection technology and for help in choosing the right system for your property.

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