Monday, September 12, 2016

Integrated Alarm Systems: Protect your Business From Multiple Threats

What are integrated alarm systems?
Protecting the physical safety of building occupants is the ultimate responsibility of every building owner or manager. Protection from fire, smoke and unwanted intruders should be a principal design consideration for any building. Technologies such as state-of-the-art smoke and fire detection, visual monitoring, central door locking and unlocking capability and secure access control allow for the integration of all components into a single, easily managed system.
Integrated systems are a convergence of all of many technologies designed to protect occupants and materials from the spectrum of potential threats.
What Are the Benefits is Integrated Alarm Systems?
All functions may be controlled from a central point through an integrated Notifier by Honeywell Gateway System. Security personnel, working from a central control room, can monitor every system in the building.
The advantages are:
  • Immediate crisis detection
  • Quick response to developing threats
  • Immediate interface with appropriate emergency agencies
  • Systems may be monitored from any location
  • Appropriate evacuation instructions through public address voice commands
  • Lock-downs to isolate undesirable intrusions or fire/smoke situations
  • Identify external threats before they occur
In some cases, even energy management systems can be incorporated into fire and security systems.
Fire Detection and Notification Systems
In Chicago, High Rise Security Systems (HRSS) is an experienced, licensed fire and physical security company. During the design or renovation of any building, HRSS will design the appropriate integrated system that unifies all security systems wirelessly for central monitoring. The design will be determined by the size and use of the facility. With Computer Aided Design capability, HRSS experts can replicate the entire building to determine the proper placement, number and types of equipment to be used.
Closed Circuit Camera Surveillance
Interior and exterior surveillance technology has evolved significantly. Camera systems may be installed with 360 degree flexibility and set for zooming in for a close-up image. External CCTV cameras are even designed to “zero in” on a license plate number as a vehicle speeds away. Visually monitoring entry and exit is an important function and may be used to identify unwanted intruders.
Access Control
Access control is intended to identify those who should be admitted to a building and reject those who are not. Today, means of identification are becoming more sophisticated than traditional ID cards. Fingerprints, eye scans and other methods are becoming more prevalent in the security industry and may be incorporated into integrated alarm systems.

Security Systems: Tips To Make Your School Safer

Security System Tips to make Your School Safer
School security is the most essential priority today for administrators. Threats from smoke and fire and, notably, unauthorized intrusions cannot be underestimated. Parents wish to send their students off to school with the fullest confidence than they will be safe from potential disaster.
Security in large college campus dorms and classroom buildings must also be carefully monitored.
Security of schools buildings has become a significant priority in recent years. As populations grow in certain areas of the nation, new and larger educational facilities are being constructed. At the same time, many older facilities are being upgraded with newer, more sophisticated systems to install the most responsive mechanisms available. Exterior and interior surveillance equipment is being integrated to monitor any unusual external activity.
Fire, smoke and physical safety elements are being integrated into single comprehensive systems for central control and monitoring.
Government agencies, including Homeland Security, have established a number of guidelines to protect these environments.
Best Practices for School Safety
In recent years, administrators have accelerated programs and systems to enhance student security. Educating and reinforcing school security measures and preparedness plans have led to closer cooperation with public safety agencies. Communications strategies have been bolstered. Alert, well-prepared staff and employees are clearly the first line of defense. Practicing emergency response and executing coordinated evacuation and lock-down plans are essential.
Integrated and Centrally Monitored Systems
For critical control, all detection and monitoring devices should be wirelessly connected to central control areas. In addition to carefully arrayed fire and smoke detection systems, strategically placed Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) cameras can monitor virtually every zone of the building. Wirelessly, administrators and public safety agencies can oversee activities in and around the facility from any location. Central control allows for methodical and intelligent response to emergencies by locating and isolating the threat.
Commercial Security System Installation
To minimize the threat of fire and smoke, state-of-the-art fire detection equipment and accessories can provide early warning notification and instructions for relocation and evacuation. Instant response and timely reaction by the occupants and fire officials can eliminate the potential threats to the occupants.
High Rise Security Systems (HRSS)
In Chicagoland, HRSS is providing high-tech commercial security systems and installation. With scientifically designed Notifier integrated systems to monitor developing threats, students are far safer than in past decades.

Is it A Okay To Let My Building Sup Fix Our Fire Alarms

Is It OK to Let My Building Sup Fix Our Fire Alarms?
Building superintendents tend to be “jacks-of-all-trades”, capable of rewiring light switches, unclogging drains, and replacing furnace filters. Their talents must be diverse because there are so many parts of a building that can go awry. Since the superintendent’s budget is generally very limited, performance is frequently measured by how many functions can be performed internally.
Fire alarm repair should never be performed by staff. These detection and notification systems are electronically complex and integrated with many other components. Without proper training, certification and licensing for the specific equipment, attempting to perform fire alarm maintenance can result in disaster.
Integrated Fire Alarm Repair
Performing fire alarm repair is becoming far more complicated than simply tweaking some wires or cleaning dirt from around the detector. Today’s integrated systems link every sensor and notification component to all of the designated building zones and a central control monitor. Disruption in any component can diminish the overall effectiveness of the building system.
Malfunction of any component of a fire alarm system, no matter how slight, can result in disastrous results including death and injury to occupants.
Certified Agencies for Fire Alarm Maintenance
Over time, as fire alarm components wear out, wires loosen, and grime accumulates because of ambient conditions, repairs and replacements are required. A professional commercial fire protection company should test your systems at regular intervals to ensure everything is working properly. Only licensed experts know how the components are programmed and connected in order to ensure maximum effectiveness.
Untrained maintenance staff is simply not qualified to make even minor fire alarm repairs. Any misstep can disrupt the entire network requiring costly rework or void a warranty.
Preventative Maintenance of Fire Detection and Notification Systems
The best course for avoiding disruption from faulty repair by untrained maintenance staff is to contract with a licensed and reputable fire alarm system company, preferably the one that designed and installed the original equipment. With documentation, the technician is able to effectively test every component to determine which element of the system may be malfunctioning. If parts need to be replaced, the technician can replace and reprogram quickly.
High Rise Security Systems (HRSS) in Chicagoland
For over 30 years, HRSS has been a highly reliable designer, installer and maintainer of state-of-the-art fire detection and notification systems. Trust your fire alarm repair to the experts at HRSS.