Building managers, owners and designers know that the physical safety of occupants and residents of a building or complex is the most important priority. Consulting with fire and safety experts is necessary for these individuals to understand the potential risks, OSHA requirements, and guidelines set by local ordinances.
In Chicagoland, High Rise Security System experts are trained and certified to work with every type of structure and to advise the best solutions to maintain the highest degree of safety. Below is a list of suggestions that a certified fire and safety expert might offer to ensure you are in compliance and providing the safest environment.
OSHA Requirements
In the workplace, OSHA requires automatic fire detection and notification systems in conjunction with a clear evacuation plan. In a new or renovated building, the evacuation plan should be part of the design process.
Fire Alarm Monitoring Service
Even the latest fire detection devices must be regularly inspected and tested by trained technicians to ensure proper working conditions. Over time, accumulated grime and foreign material interferes with the sensitive detection components and may not respond to a disaster in a timely fashion. Regular monitoring is critical.
Install Sprinkler or Fire Suppression Systems
To protect property and reduce the threat of human injury, fire and safety specialists recommend fire suppression equipment and strategies. In cases where flammable materials or dangerous gases are used, fire safety experts can advise the proper types of equipment to minimize risk.
Integrate Fire and Security Systems
Fire and safety experts suggest that every detection, notification and evacuation device in the building should be integrated to wirelessly transmit warnings and notifications to a central control point. This allows for instant notification of emergency agencies, evacuation of occupants and other action required.